The HCCS Urban Co. Operative Credit Society Ltd.


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Years Experience

Here To Help You With The Best Financial Solutions!

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We Serve The Best Service

Experience the smoothest loan processing activity with HCCS Bank! We provide you with the fastest loan solutions in multiple sectors! Borrow from us and secure your future!

Gold Loan
Vehicle Loan
Education Loan​
House Loan​

Notice to Members

Board of Directors in their meeting held on 15.11.2024, unanimously agreed to modify deposit rates with effect from 16.11.2024
S.No. Period Rate of Interest per annum
1 016 Days to 045 Days 3.50 %
2 046 Days to Below 1 Year 4.50 %
3 1 Year to Below 3 Years 7.00 %
4 3 Year upto 5 Years 8.00 %
5 Saving Account 3.00 %
6 Bachat 350 Days 4.00 %
7 Bachat 500 Days 4.25 %
8 Bachat 1000 Days 4.50 %
  • Premature F.D. encashment will attract 1.00 % penalty
  • Any bulk deposit above Rs. 50 Lakh, depositors have to get the approval from the O/B of the Society, two days in advance with proper forms & documentations.
  • Other Terms & Conditions remains same.
Why Choose Us

We Are Ready To Help You To Get A Solution

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0 +
Years Experience
how it works

Fast & Easy Process

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Apply for Bank Loan

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Review Your Loan

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Approved Bank Loan

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